7 Jan 2010

Fast Enchantment levelling 1-450

This guide shows you how to level your enchanting profession right up to maximum level, only using recipes you can buy from trainers and vendors. There are other recipes you can use, which general drop throughout the world and can be bought at the Auction House, but they’re usually pretty expensive – and enchanting isn’t the cheapest profession to powerlevel anyway.

You’ll find it difficult to sell enchantments until you hit level 350 anyway – but you might be able to sell scrolls you enchant and recoup some of the cost that way. Don’t be too surprised if the scrolls end up selling for less than you paid for the materials.

Enchanting is a good partner profession for Tailoring because you can disenchant most of the cloth items you make and use the materials for more enchantments, although the same's true of blacksmithing, leatherworking and even jewelcrafting at lower levels.

What you’ll need:
1 Copper Rod, 125 Strange Dust, 1 Lesser Magic Essence, 1 Silver Rod, 12 Greater Magic Essence, 9 Simple Wood, 25 Lesser Astral Essence, 122 Soul Dust, 1 Golden Rod, 1 Iridescent Pearl, 2 Greater Astral Essence, 194 Vision Dust, 1 Truesilver Rod, 1 Black Pearl, 2 Greater Mystic Essence, 5 Lesser Nether Essence, 125 Dream Dust, 122 Illusion Dust, 1 Arcanite Rod, 1 Golden Pearl, 8 Greater Eternal Essence, 8 Large Brilliant Shard, 1 Fel Iron Rod, 293 Arcane Dust, 14 Greater Planar Essence, 13 Large Prismatic Shard, 20 Lesser Planar Essence, 15 Nightmare Vine, 15 Imbued Vial, 1 Primal Might, 1 Adamantite Rod, 1 Eternium Rod, 1 Titanium Rod, 754 Infinite Dust, 47 Greater Cosmic Essence, 60 Dream Shard, 124 Eternal Earth, 10 Crystallized Water

A quick note here: blacksmiths make all of the rods which you’ll use as an enchanter. If you can find a friendly smith in your guild who can make them for you, you’ll save quite a fair bit of cash because you won’t have to buy them in the Auction House.

First of all you need to learn Apprentice Enchanting, which you can do from any of the trainers in the capital cities of the Old World: Darnassus, Ironforge and Stormwind. If you’re having trouble finding the trainer, just ask a guard. They’ll point out where they are.

Skill level 1-2
1 x [Runed Copper Rod] - 1 Copper Rod, 1 Strange Dust, 1 Lesser Magic Essence
Skill level 2-50
You’ll be able to level to 50 by disenchanting green quality items. If you don’t want to do that, you can also:
48 x [Enchant Bracer - Minor Health] - 48 Strange Dust

Go back to your trainer and learn Journeyman Enchanting.
Skill level 50-90
40 x [Enchant Bracer - Minor Health] - 40 Strange Dust
Skill level 90-100
10 x [Enchant Bracer - Minor Stamina] - 30 Strange Dust
You can keep doing this up to 120 if Strange Dust is much cheaper than Greater Magic Essence.
Skill level 100-101
1 x [Runed Silver Rod] - 1 Silver Rod, 6 Strange Dust, 3 Greater Magic Essence, 1 Runed Copper Rod
Skill level 101-110
9 x [Greater Magic Wand] - 9 Simple Wood, 9 Greater Magic Essence
Skill level 110-135

Next you’ll need two recipes from a vendor. Alliance players need to head to Ashenvale and find Dalria at 35.1, 52.1
From her you need: [Formula: Enchant Bracer - Lesser Strength] and [Formula: Enchant Cloak - Minor Agility]
25 x [Enchant Cloak - Minor Agility] - 25 Lesser Astral Essence

Next it’s back to a capital city (probably Darnassus unless your hearthstone is set somewhere else). Go to the trainer again and learn Expert Enchanting.
Skill level 135-155
20 x [Enchant Bracer - Lesser Stamina] - 40 Soul Dust
Skill level 155-156
1 x [Runed Golden Rod] - 1 Golden Rod, 1 Iridescent Pearl, 2 Greater Astral Essence, 2 Soul Dust, 1 Runed Silver Rod
Skill level 156-185
40 x [Enchant Bracer - Lesser Strength] 80 Soul Dust
Again, there’s a choice here. If you can buy 2 Soul Dust for less than 1 Lesser Mystic Essence, stick to making these until you hit 185. Otherwise at 165 you can switch to:
20 x [Enchant Bracer - Spirit] - 20 Lesser Mystic Essence
Skill level 185-200
15 x [Enchant Bracer - Strength] 15 Vision Dust

At 200, it’s back to a capital city to learn Artisan Enchanting from a trainer.
Skill level 200-201
[Runed Truesilver Rod] 1 Truesilver Rod, 1 Black Pearl, 2 Greater Mystic Essence, 2 Vision Dust, 1 Runed Golden Rod
Skill level 201-220
25 x [Enchant Bracer - Strength] 25 Vision Dust
There’s a choke point here as this enchantment will turn yellow – you’ll need more materials to make sure you can carry on with this to 220.
Skill level 220-229
There’s a choice here – if Lesser Nether Essence is reasonably cheap on the Auction House you can make:
5 x [Enchant Gloves - Agility] - 5 Lesser Nether Essence, 5 Vision Dust
But if it’s pretty dear, stick to making:
5 x [Enchant Cloak - Greater Defense] - 15 Vision Dust
Skill level 230-235
5 x [Enchant Boots - Stamina] - 25 Vision Dust
Skill level 235-240
5 x [Enchant Chest - Superior Health] - 30 Vision Dust
Skill level 240-245
5 x [Enchant Cloak - Greater Defense] - 15 Vision Dust
At this point, you can buy [Formula: Enchant Bracer - Greater Stamina] if it’s available at the Auction House and isn’t ludicrously expensive. It’ll certainly help you level faster although it’s not absolutely necessary. If you can find it, keep going with it all the way to 280. If you can’t get it, here’s the next stage:
Skill level 245-255
10 x [Enchant Boots - Stamina] - 50 Vision dust
Skill level 255-260
5 x [Enchant Chest - Superior Health] - 30 Vision Dust
Skill level 260-265
5 x [Enchant Boots - Greater Stamina] - 25 Dream Dust
Skill level 265-285
20 x [Enchant Shield - Greater Stamina] - 100 Dream Dust

For the next three enchantment recipes, you have to head to Moonglade and find Lorelae Wintersong at 48.3,40,1. You need to buy [Formula: Enchant Cloak - Superior Defense] and [Formula: Runed Arcanite Rod]. After you’ve called in on her, it’s off to Outland where you need to learn Master Enchanting from Johan Barnes at 53.7, 66.1
Skill level 285-290
If small Brilliant Shards are cheap at the Auction House, you can do [Enchant Chest - Major Health]. Otherwise do:
5 x [Enchant Cloak - Superior Defense] - 40 Illusion Dust
Skill level 290-291
1 x [Runed Arcanite Rod] - 1 Arcanite Rod, 1 Golden Pearl, 10 Illusion Dust, 4 Greater Eternal Essence, 1 Runed Truesilver Rod, 2 Large Brilliant Shard
Skill level 291-300
Again, there’s a choice here depending on the price of Small Brilliant Shards. [Enchant Chest - Major Health] is good if they’re pretty cheap. Otherwise it’s on to:
9 x [Enchant Cloak - Superior Defense] - 72 Illusion Dust - Recipe location
Skill level 300-301
1 x [Runed Fel Iron Rod] 1 Fel Iron Rod, 4 Greater Eternal Essence, 6 Large Brilliant Shard, 1 x Runed Arcanite Rod
Skill level 301-310
9 x [Enchant Bracer - Assault] - 54 Arcane Dust
Skill level 310-315
5 x [Enchant Bracer - Brawn] - 30 Arcane Dust
Skill level 315-320
5 x [Enchant Gloves - Assault] - 40 Arcane Dust
Skill level 320-330
13 x [Enchant Bracer - Brawn] - 78 Arcane Dust
Skill level 330-335
5 x [Enchant Gloves - Assault] - 40 Arcane Dust
Skill level 335-340
5 x [Enchant Shield - Resilience] - 5 Large Prismatic Shard, 20 Lesser Planar Essence
Skill level 340-350
15 x [Superior Wizard Oil] - 45 Arcane Dust, 15 Nightmare Vine, 15 Imbued Vial
Unfortunately, this is another enchanting chokepoint: this recipe is yellow at this level, so you may have to make more than 15.
Skill level 350-351
1 x [Runed Adamantite Rod] - 1 Adamantite Rod. 8 Greater Planar Essence, 8 Large Prismatic Shard, 1 Primal Might, 1 Runed Fel Iron Rod

Having raced through Outland’s Enchanting possibilities, jump on a boat to Northrend and learn Enchanting Grand Master from trainers at Valgarde, Valiance Keep or Dalaran.
Skill level 351-360
9 x [Enchant Cloak - Speed] - 54 Infinite Dust
Skill level 360-375
18 x [Enchant Bracers - Striking] - 108 Infinite Dust
Skill level 375-376
1 x [Runed Eternium Rod] - 1 Eternium Rod, 6 Greater Planar Essence, 6 Arcane Dust, 1 Runed Adamantite Rod
Skill level 376-380
6 x [Enchant Bracers - Striking] - 36 Infinite Dust
Skill level 380-385
5 x [Enchant Bracers - Exceptional Intellect] - 50 Infinite Dust
Skill level 385-395
10 x [Enchant Boots - Icewalker] - 80 Infinite Dust, 10 Crystallized Water
Skill level 395-415
23 x [Enchant Cloak - Superior Agility] - 207 Infinite Dust

You’ll notice that the materials for enchantments become a lot more expensive from here on in. Make sure you’re putting them onto an Armor Vellum for sale in the Auction House (if you’re not enchanting people’s armor and weapons for them).

Skill level 415-420
5 x [Enchant Boots - Greater Spirit] - 50 Infinite Dust, 5 Greater Cosmic Essence
Skill level 420-425
5 x [Enchant Shield - Defense] - 30 Infinite Dust, 30 Eternal Earth
Skill level 425-426
1 x [Runed Titanium Rod] - 1 Titanium Rod, 40 Infinite Dust, 12 Greater Cosmic Essence, 8 Dream Shard, 1 Runed Eternium Rod
Skill level 426-430
4 x [Enchant Shield - Defense] - 24 Infinite Dust, 24 Eternal Earth

For the final run, you need to go to Vanessa Sellers, in Dalaran. She’s an enchanting vendor who sells the following for 4 Dream shards each: [Formula: Enchant Gloves - Armsman], [Formula: Enchant Boots - Greater Assault] and [Formula: Enchant Cloak - Mighty Armor]
Skill level 430-435
5 x [Enchant Cloak - Mighty Armor] - 75 Infinite Dust, 10 Greater Cosmic Essence
Skill level 435-445
10 x [Enchant Gloves - Armsman] - 20 Dream Shard, 80 Eternal Earth
Skill level 445-450
5 x [Enchant Boots - Greater Assault] - 20 Dream Shard, 20 Greater Cosmic Essence

And voila! You're a maxed-out enchanter!

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